Hi there! I’m Daryl
Welcome to my food blog.
Let me introduce myself. I am a born and bred South African. We currently reside in beautiful Cape Town and we love the lifestyle, weather and of course the wine 😉
My passion is cooking and it has been for a very long time. I decided to create this blog to show the world my creations. You will see classic cooking on this site but you will also see a lot of South African and Mediterranean inspired dishes. I have also recently become very interested in Cape Mediterranean style cooking that I’ll be showcasing more of on my site.
I love seeing what you are making in your own kitchen so I would appreciate it if you tag @daryls_kitchen in your Instagram photos and stories!
I really hope you enjoy the recipes I share on my site. If you would like to say hi you can contact me here. I will always respond unless of course you are SPAM 😉